• Trump Strikes Again
    There are really no words for what went down today. I was about 17 when I got to visit the U.S. Capitol. My Dad had written a letter to our representative John Mica to ask if we could have a family tour of the Capitol Building. We got to meet Representative Mica in his office where he welcomed us and gave us mini U.S. Constitutions. Then he sent us off with his aide for a private tour. We got to walk through the tunnels that connected his office to the Capitol and were lead throughout the building, exploring as we… Read more: Trump Strikes Again
Trump Strikes Again
There are really no words for what went down today. Photo by Roberto Schmidt I was about 17 when I got to visit the U.S. Capitol. My Dad had written a letter to our representative …
Am I Rand Paul?!
I honestly haven't thought about Rand Paul much in the last 4 years. But this morning I watched his interview on FOX News and was like, ‘Wha…? We agree on stuff?’  I had written him …
A Festivus for the Rest of Us
Happy Festivus ya’ll. What a crazy, disastrous and sad year. 2020, more than any other year, deserves a massive Festivus, because grievances need to be aired. In lieu of ruining Christmas dinner with my complaints, …